House Todorov

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Blue celeste a pile tenne, base a pick argent and a mallet or in saltire.
Blue celeste a pile tenne, base a pick argent and a mallet or in saltire.

A wealthy noble house that dominates the mines of the Negruja Hills. Its Aparator is Aleksandar X, Voievod of Cobori Antova.


Aleksandar X Todorov

Voievod of Cobori Antova, Guardian of the South, Ogresmasher, Grand Master of the Order of the Hundred Coins, Arapator of House Todorov, Tenth of His Name

Aleksandar X Todorov
Aleksandar X Todorov
Original article: Aleksandar Todorov

Aleksandar X, Arapator of House Todorov, has often claimed to be the wealthiest person in Dracia (the Crown being the exception) and it is difficult to dispute that claim. In his youth, Aleksandar was often responsible for leading his aging father's troops into battle and earned his fame as 'Ogresmasher' by personally entering the fray against ogre raiders who had plagued Cobori Antova for centuries, all but wiping them out. As with most Todorovs, he has also always been passionate about and generous to the Church of Minos. Long known for his prodigious appetite, his girth rapidly began to expand after becoming Voievod in his own right after the death of his father. Today, Aleksander is a man known for his piety, great mirth and extreme wealth in a nation where wealth is typically considered a measure of one's worth. He is no stranger to the Queen's Court, making a particular effort to attend during Feast Days, though he certainly does not shirk his duties as Voievod or Arapator. Despite his great wealth, he is somewhat slovenly in appearance, often wearing bear fur (which he claims he took from an ogre king) and is never without his bone cane (which he claims was the thigh bone of said ogre king).

Aleksander is also the current Grand Master of the Order of the Hundred Coins, an order of knights dedicated to the service of Minos in Dracia.