Marcus Petronas

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     Marcus Petronas, Prince of the Mabean Marches.  Medium Human Male.


Marcus Petronas of House Accius is Basileios’ eldest son, the only offspring of his first marriage to the Lady Cyra, and is generally believed to be the one who will assume the Prefectual throne upon the retirement or death of his father. Prince Petronas almost immediately began taking an interest in the day-to-day affairs of the rulership of the state, and has recently gained the right to act in his father’s stead when necessary. Prince Petronas is a thin man with a darker complexion than his father. He is strikingly handsome, though, and rumors of his virility are a subject of constant gossip both in the ale-houses and in market. Prince Petronas does not, however, have the respect of the local military. Petronas has not served in the military, due to a bad leg, he claims. Should Prince Petronas rise to the Prefectual throne, he could have even more difficulty controlling the Legate than his father, and civil war might erupt.