
From FeyworldWiki
Revision as of 18:01, 29 April 2015 by WikiSysop (talk | contribs)
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Use the following to cut and paste into a new deity entry:


  • Removed favweapon, spon_spell, priest_req
  • Changed domains to spheres; description to depictions; items to relics; holy_days to calendar; laity to worship
  • Added doctrine, virtues, vices, theo_mission, social_mission, geography, history, organization, central_authority, regional_authority, temple_heirarchy, priesthood
|name = 
|title = 
|symbolpic = 
|gender = 
|avatar = 
|consort = 
|allies = 
|foes = 
|rank = 
|nature = 
|ethos = 
|major_influence = 
|minor_influence = 
|spheres = 
|depictions = 
|symbols = 
|relics = 
|dwelling = 
|servants = 
|doctrine = 
|virtues = 
|vices = 
|mission = 
|theo_mission = 
|social_mission = 
|geography = 
|history = 
|organization = 
|central_authority = 
|regional_authority = 
|temple_heirarchy = 
|priesthood = 
|garments = 
|worship = 
|calendar = 
|customs = 
|taboos = 