Victor Sgouros

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     Victor Sgouros, Chancellor of the Mabean Marches.  Medium Human Male.


Victor Sgouros is a quiet man of little humor. As Chancellor, it is his duty to insure that all taxes are received from the various outlying territories and record what of that money is spent and how. Furthermore, he acts in the stead of the Prefect at Town Meetings, listening to the petty problems of the masses with less than half an ear and carrying their "suggestions" to the Prefect for him to reject or endorse. Master Sgouros is an extremely tall man, with drawn, sunken features that make him look much older than a man of his middle thirties. His dark hair is kept cut extremely short, and his brown eyes are said to be stained with gold stripes. Sgouros has a reputation amongst those who have suffered under his ruthless collection tactics as having stained his eyes from staring too much at money.