Valerius Principius

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     Valerius Principius, First Tribune of the 6th Legion.  Medium Human Male.


First Tribune Valerius is the eldest son of a powerful Senator from House Zetar, and he understands his importance fully. As his father’s likely successor, the Tribune is more interested in the politics of subjugating the Mabean Marches than he is in their effective rulership. Indeed, he has swallowed so much Imperial propaganda that his opinion of any not descendant from one of the Great Houses is low, and he treats all Gaels, free or not, as slaves. Still, he is a brave commander, with many battles under his belt, and he has the complete trust of Legate Belisarius. It is said that Tribune Valerius believes that the Legate should, indeed, remove the Prefect for incompetence and for favoritism towards the Gaels, but the Legate has refused any such deed. Fortunately, Tribune Valerius’ tenure in the military is almost up, and within the next year he is due to return home to Zeth to assume his place at his father’s side, waiting for the elder Principius’ death so that he can attain the robes of office.


First Tribune Valerius is a man of medium size, but a strong build. His aquiline nose, olive complexion and curly, dark hair identify him immediately as a Zetian, and he does what he can to accentuate these features. He is rarely seen out of uniform, when he is seen at all. Usually, he is in the field, fighting against the forces of the King of Powys in the west while his Legate sorts out the politics of Fort Umbrago.

Base of Operations

Mabean Marches