Imperial Ecclesia

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The Imperial Ecclesia (or simply "The Church") is one of the three dominant human faiths and arguably the largest of the three, comparable only to the Aebasan Orthodoxy in numbers of worshipers. Ironically, the Imperial Ecclesia is based more closely on the oldest human faith of the First Age of Man, unfettered by subsequent revelations that have lead to the three-way schism between the three dominant human faiths. According to the Imperial Ecclesia, Lord Ptharos is still seated on his throne as King of the Gods, doling out his beneficence with supreme wisdom and generosity. Dagon is the chief Adversary, continually trying to destroy creation in a jealous rage at the beauty of creation.

The Imperial Ecclesia is predominant on the continent of Aurea and was predominant in the Imperial colonies on the continent of Duria prior to the rise of the Koramian Heresy. At the dawn of the Fourth Age of Man, only Cambrecia still holds to the Imperial Ecclesia on Duria and even that hold is tenuous at best. High Temples were once primarily based in Zeth, the capital of the Great Empire, with the Emperor as the mortal voice of the unified faith, but with the dissolution of the Empire, much of the former power of the Ecclesia has shattered as various churches chose their own path in church hierarchy.