Orcish Languages

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The languages of the orcs are almost identical across all three continents, much to the surprise (and consternation) of the few scholars who study the language.

Original article: Dun'kol

Dun'kol (or "Great Tongue") is the secret language spoken only by orcish shamans and great leaders across the world. No scholar outside these orcish circles has ever recorded the language and even its existence is only rumored. Of the Orcish Languages, it is the most unique and is generally unintelligible to orcish speakers.

Original article: Gorosh'kol

Gorosh'kol is spoken by the orcs of central Gallorea, including Vagorosh.

Original article: Kagra'kol

Kagra'kol is spoken by the orcs of eastern Gallorea, including Vor Kagran.

Original article: Midal'kol

Midal'kol is spoken by the orcs of Duria, including Vor Midal and the Orcish Wastes.

Original article: Tan'kol

Tan'kol is spoken by the orcs of northwestern Aurea, including the Plains of Tazgrat, the Orcish Moorlands and the Ride of Tongwr. Those few scholars who have studied the language suggest some influence from the now-extinct Tangar