The First Anchorage

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This is an article on the History of Feyworld
Years: c. 5200 BF to c. 4925 BF
Age: The First Age of Man
Continent: All
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The Druids of Feyworld
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The Revelation of Amairgen The Coming of the Tuatha

The first disciples of Amairgen, who fled into the wilderness and became Anchorites, continued the search for Truth as they had promised and taught those few that they met the ways of the Order. The druids of this time found Nature a difficult mistress; while they learned how to move without disturbing plants and could weave some minor spells, they did not have the power of the priests or even the wizards of the ancient world. Some few were able to achieve a nearer understanding of Truth, and those few were looked to for leadership in the Order. The druids of this time became viewed as wild-men, dark protectors of the wilderness with no understanding of the civilized world. Those who met and learned from the druids came to understand that they knew the horrors of the “civilized” world all too well.

It was during this First Anchorage that the druids first encountered the elves, who had a greater understanding of Nature than most humans, but who were still wild and untamed. Like the druids, they too had been persecuted by the followers of the Old Gods and had fled into the wilderness to avoid the depredations of the world’s fickle and capricious deities. The druids recognized wisdom in the elven ways and the two groups became fast allies. In turn, the elves showed great interest in the wisdom of the Order and many even became druids themselves.