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Age of the Gods (before 5874 BF)

Original article: Age of the Gods Timeline
Imperial Year Aebasan Year Neptaran Year Event
????? ????? ????? Creation
????? ????? ????? The Siege of Wuldagor
8526 B.I. 1901 B.A. 7776 B.F. Kalazar, first Dwarven nation, founded
7957 1332 7207 B.F. The Earth-War; Dwarves fight over supremacy of Enosigaois (referred to by them as Enos) and Baelthor (Balthor to the dwarves) as patron deity.
7520 895 6770 B.F. The Earth-War ends, with Balthor's followers as victors. The civil war, however, has taken its toll on the Dwarven population.

The First Age of Mankind (5874 B.F. to c. 3375 B.F.)

First Age of Mankind Timeline

The First Interannum (c. 3375 B.F. to 1459 B.F.)

First Interannum Timeline

The Second Age of Mankind (1459 B.F. to 1047 B.F.)

Second Age of Mankind Timeline

The Second Interannum (1047 B.F. to 120 N.C.)

Second Interannum Timeline

The Third Age of Mankind (631 B.I. to XXXX I.C.)

Third Age of Mankind Timeline

The Third Interannum (2012 N.C. to 2062 N.C.)

Third Interannum Timeline

The Fourth Age of Mankind (2062 N.C. to present)

Fourth Age of Mankind