Vor Midal

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Vor Midal has long been the main center of orcish power in Duria. The orcs of Vor Midal were instrumental in defeating the slave-armies of Lun Dorak, though they then turned against their allies and marched their assembled horde across the continent of Duria, leaving chaos in their wake. Though much of the population of Vor Midal departed and eventually settled in Vor Scheral (which was subsequently defeated by the humans of Ciritasnia and Koramia), they were not decimated by the Crimson Plague and did not experience much hardship from the departure of the Old Gods. At the dawn of the Fourth Age of Man, Vor Midal is again full to bursting with orcish warriors eager to conquer new lands. It is only a matter of time before a knew Great Khan rises to unify his people and again march across Duria.

Vor Midal
Vor Midal
Geographic Info
Continent: Duria
Location: Eastern Divian continent, on the northeastern coast of the Sea of Blades
Government Type: Tribal (Bhurakhan, Kavrakhan, Phatrakhan)
Ruler: None specific (lands ruled by various Bhurakhans and powerful Phatrakhans)
Arms: None
Coinage: None minted
Capital: None
Alliances: None
Hostilities: The Magocracy of Lun Dorak, the Elves of the Webwood, Illyria, Daciara
Population: 2,435,000 (60% orcish, 25% human, 8% half-elven, 3% elven, 4% other)
Languages: Midal'kol
Important Persons: Bhurakhan Kahlor, Phatrakhan of the Bloodgore Clan (Bbn 6/Ftr 10); Bhurakhan Wargov, Phatrakhan of the Deepreaver Clan (Ftr 16); Gahl'dun, Phatrakhan of the Warspray Clan (Ftr 8/Thf 10).
Religious Info
Pantheon: Orcish
Patron: Darcingetorix


Vor Midal is a harsh land, easily as harsh as its inhabitants. No one is truly certain how long orcs have lived in these lands, though their own legends tell of how they traveled here from the west, in search of warfare. What is known is that the orcs of Vor Midal successfully stopped the Imperial conquest as it moved through Illyria and towards their borders. Unable to deal with the slavering, howling beasts who seemed to never die, the Imperial forces instead heavily garrisoned Illyria against orcish attack and hoped that they never got themselves organized enough to make a concerted attack into Imperial lands. Vor Midal's history is punctuated by periods of warfare separated by long periods of skirmishing. It would seem that, if the orcs of Vor Midal are not fighting outsiders, they are fighting one another. Only under the rulership of a Khan, who rises up every five centuries or so, does the orcish community organize itself into a fighting force that is unequaled across the world. The last Khan rose up to defeat the hated Magocracy of Lun Dorak, and was almost successful in taking Davalor, the capital of Lun Dorak itself. However, the Mage-King Machael rose from the ranks of the Dorakian casters and, after a long and bloody war, defeated the Khan's armies.

In the last few decades, Vor Midal's attention has been on attempting to defeat the hated elves of the Webwood Forest by burning the forest itself to the ground. Thus far, it has been more successful than any attempt to take the forest itself by force, and the elves of the Webwood are, understandably, concerned about the attacks, though they have yet to make any concerted counter-attack.


Vor Midal is a harsh and cold land, whose northern regions are constantly whipped by icy northern winds and whose dry southern regions often suddenly erupt in massive dust storms which can be miles across. Agriculture is sparse, but orcs supplement what they cannot raise with whatever they can steal from nearby trading caravans or towns. Most orcish clans are highly mobile affairs, making it easily to pull up roots and move somewhere else if the game and/or land plays out. The orcs prefer to eat meat, and, therefore, have little need for true agriculture, and instead spend their food-production energies on herding livestock.


The orcs of Vor Midal worship no deities, being of the opinion that they were destroyed when the first orc was created, and that those who give powers to humans now are imposters. However, they do have shamans, called Dhalkazar, who keep as their highest secret the fact that they worship and obey a great dragon, by the name of Darcingetorix. The precise purpose of Darcingetorix and his relative power is unknown by even the wisest of Dhalkazar.

This page has been identified as needing a map for clarity.

This is a thumbnail description and is scheduled for expansion at a later date.

This article is part of the Player's Guide to Duria

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