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Furinus is a god who loves to be entertained and encourages his worshippers to lead a hedonistic life of celebration and revelry. Well-liked by many gods, Furinus typically ends up on the bad side of other deities more by accident than anything else. His one true foe, however, is Mania, the Goddess of Madness and his own mother. Whereas Furinus is the god of the gentle simpleton, his mother is patron of the raving madman and often strikes down his own worshippers out of spite. The only thing that will truly enrage a priest of Furinus (other than forced sobriety) is the worship of Mania.

Melpomene, Goddess of Clouds, is neutral towards Furinus, despite being tricked into lying with him to produce Hypnos, Goddess of Dreams.

God of Wine
Descriptive Info
Gender: Male
Avatar: Jolly Jacob; Hurka; Nysys
Consort(s): None (though he tricked Melpomene into bed)
Allies: Britomaris, God of Thievery; Drames, Goddess of Fertility; Erato, God of Love; Himere, Goddess of Poetry; Hypnos, Goddess of Dreams (daughter); Minos, God of Commerce; Orchus, God of Luck; Pavor, God of Travel; Podalirius, God of Vegetation; Themis, God of Mischief; Virtus, God of Courage; and Vitulus, God of Cities.
Foes: Alecto, Goddess of Pain; Empusa, Goddess of Poison; Mania, Goddess of Madness (mother); Veritas, Goddess of Marriage; and Zelos, God of the State.
Spiritual Info
Rank: Intermediate
Nature: Chaotic
Ethos: Agathocacological
Major Influence: Wine
Minor Influence(s): Alcoholic Spirits, Grains, Grapes, Celebration, Freedom, and Madness


No information available on the doctrine of Furinus


No information available on the mission of Furinus


No geographic information available on Furinus

History of the Church

No historic information available on Furinus


No information available on the Organization of the Church of Furinus

Religious Practices

No information available on the religous practices of the Church of Furinus

This is a thumbnail description and is scheduled for expansion at a later date.
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