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Luna, Goddess of the Moon, inherited her madness from her mother, whom she despises, but also gained a unique insight and wisdom from her father, Ptharos. Her priests tend to be touched by madness as well and are charged themselves with caring for the truly insane. While it is known that Luna has cursed numerous werebeasts, particularly werewolves, by forcing them to change into animals when under her full gaze, her reasons (if there are any) are unknown. It is said that she was once a patron to wolves, but that they betrayed her and she has never forgiven them for that betrayal. The call of wolves during a full moon is said to be those asking for forgiveness from an uncaring and vengeful goddess.

Luna is wed to Ophion, who cares for her when insanity completely overtakes her.

Goddess of the Moon
Descriptive Info
Gender: Female
Avatar: Mad Mary; Luerenn
Consort(s): Ophion, God of the Sun
Allies: Abaris, Goddess of Magic; Adrasteia, Goddess of Rivers and Streams; Hypnos, Goddess of Dreams; Ptharos, God of Air (father); Ophion, God of the Sun (husband); Paelemona, Goddess of Fate; Polydorus, God of Wild Beasts; Themis, God of Mischief; and Virtus, God of Courage.
Foes: Maelphegor, God of Air; and Mania, Goddess of Madness (mother).
Spiritual Info
Rank: Intermediate
Nature: Chaotic
Ethos: Agathocacological
Major Influence: Moon
Minor Influence(s): Madness, Shadow, Werewolf hunting


No information available on the doctrine of Luna


No information available on the mission of Luna


No geographic information available on Luna

History of the Church

No historic information available on Luna


No information available on the Organization of the Church of Luna

Religious Practices

No information available on the religous practices of the Church of Luna

This is a thumbnail description and is scheduled for expansion at a later date.
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