Aebasan Orthodoxy

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The Aebasan Orthodoxy is one of the three dominant human faiths and arguably the largest of the three, comparable only to the Imperial Ecclesia in numbers of worshipers. The Aebasan faith is primarily practiced across the breadth of the continent of Gallorea, though most High Temples are located among the cities of Aebasa. The central theological difference between the Aebasan Orthodoxy is that, some time during the 2nd Age of Man, Lord Ptharos stepped down as King of the Gods because he realized his own selfishness and tyranny had resulted in great hardship on Creation itself. He was replaced by the Celestial Council, an essentially democratic governing body of the gods, which he remains as an adviser to. As a result, democratic governments and thought are much more dominant on Gallorea than on either Aurea or Duria. Within the Aebasan Orthodoxy, Phlegethon (god of tyranny) is the primary Adversary, with Dagon reduced to the role of an almost comical trickster-god.