Iacobas Comitas

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     Iacobas Comitas, Warden of Fort Umbrago.  Medium Human Male.


Iacobas Comitas is a strong-bodied, young man who takes very seriously the protection of the Prefect and the Prefect’s family. Though he is the leader of the Prefect’s personal guard and a former centurion, he often finds himself at odds with the 6th Legion, particularly over how to best garrison the Fort Umbrago itself. Though he is officially in command of the castle’s guard, most of the guardsmen are also legionnaires, and owe allegiance to the Legate, not the Warden. A small core group of twelve men, loyal to the Prefect and Comitas, are constant however and not associated with the 6th Legion. Comitas has insured that they are in charge of key defensive positions around the castle, including the personal protection of the Prefect himself.

Captain Iacobas is of medium height but firm build, and he wears his black, curly hair short. He also sports a close-cropped beard, as many veterans of the 8th Legion do. Tribune Valerius has been overheard on many occasions clucking to whoever will listen that this suggests an undesirable familiarity with the local "savages", but the Captain doesn’t seem interested in the Tribune’s opinion.

Base of Operations

Fort Umbrago, Mabean Marches