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     Rexar. Medium Human Male.


A wizard capable of teleportation, he suddenly appeared in the Whelps' camp after they had successfully escaped the halls beneath Zaubersturm. He informed them that his scrying pool had been somehow altered to only show them for the last several days and he was trying to find out exactly why. When the Whelps produced a circlet that they had found beneath Zaubersturm, he identified it as an item that would protect against psychic assault, but that such an item had not been used in centuries, as the secrets to training in psychic abilities had long been lost. He also told them that he was likely one of the few people in the world who would know that. Hoping that his identification of the item would return his scrying pool to normal he teleported home. As he has not yet attempted to contact the group again, it is safe to assume that this is true.

Base of Operations
