First Age of Man Timeline

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Imperial Year Aebasan Year Neptaran Year Event
6626 B.I. 1 A.C. 5874 B.F. Beginning of the First Age of Man with the foundation of Thenos in Aebasa.
6072 554 5321 B.F. The Fall of Kalazar results in the conclusion of the War of Dark Sorrow between the orcs and dwarves. The few remaining dwarves flee into the mountains and caverns near Kalazar.
5951 675 c. 5200 B.F. The Revelation of Amairgen: Amairgen becomes the first druid and is later murdered by priests of the Old Gods.
5707 919 4956 B.F. Danu and her disciples discover the secret of Immortality and being their search for a culture to share it with
5619 1007 4868 B.F. First Age of Elvenkind; Danu and her disciples find the Elves, and teach them the secret of Immortality; by this time, worship of Danu has spread amongst the humans
4726 1900 3975 B.F. Dwarves return to their above-ground homeland, only to discover it ruled by humans. The War of the Sun begins.
4650 1976 3899 B.F. Dwarves are pushed back into their mountain homes by humans during War of the Sun, and the main thrust of the dwarven attack is repulsed. Dwarves still make periodic raids on human settlements, but never again truly threaten human civilization.
c. 4100 c. 2500 c. 3375 B.F. End of 1st Age of Mankind