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Ladon is the deity of workers and is worshiped by those who perform physical labor, particularly poor urban craftsmen and slaves. It should be noted that Ladon does not support the concept of slavery directly, but is rather the deity of the slaves themselves, giving them the strength and will to persevere and complete the tasks that they have been designated for. He is also known to punish overseers and owners who grossly mistreat their slaves without cause. Ladon has an unusual relationship with Minos, alternatively an ally and opponent of the Merchantlord. Followers of Minos often pray to Ladon to ensure that their workers work hard and produce well, but Ladon’s priests often harshly oppose those merchants who over-work or otherwise mistreat their workers and denounce those who hoard gold while those who made them the money go hungry. Ladon is also a patron of the poor but, unlike Clementia, he opposes the concept of direct handouts. His priests encourage businesses and guilds to train the poor in a craft to help them make money themselves through, of course, hard work.

As Borvald the Builder, Ladon is a god of construction and is worshiped by architects and builders alike.

God of Work
Descriptive Info
Gender: Male
Avatar: Aleksar; Borvald the Builder
Consort(s): None
Allies: Cthos, God of the Underworld; Majestas, Goddess of Law; Mulciber, God of the Forge; Podalirius, God of Vegetation; Thalia, Goddess of the Hearth (mother); Thallos, God of Strength; Vitulus, God of Cities; and Zelos, God of the State (father).
Foes: Amphitritus, God of Greed; Podarge, God of Destruction and Drowning; Pothos, God of Vice; and Ruminus, God of Disease.
Spiritual Info
Rank: Intermediate
Nature: Ordered
Ethos: Agathocacological
Major Influence: Work
Minor Influence(s): Abjuration, Construction, Poverty, Slaves
Spheres: Law, Creation, Travel, Hearth


No information available on the doctrine of Ladon


No information available on the mission of Ladon


No geographic information available on Ladon

History of the Church

No historic information available on Ladon


No information available on the Organization of the Church of Ladon

Religious Practices

No information available on the religous practices of the Church of Ladon



Original article: Taskday

Taskday is a feast day honoring Ladon Stronghands observed on Damhar 14th. In regions where the worship of Ladon is respected, workers are granted the day free of labor, with feasting, dancing and games encouraged. Even in the few regions where the worship of Ladon is prohibited, slaves will often find a way to secretly celebrate the day at a communal evening meal.

This is a thumbnail description and is scheduled for expansion at a later date.
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