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Minos, known as Minar in some southern regions, is one of the more popular deities, enjoying both a large clergy and following among the merchant class of most cities. Politically powerful, Minos is one of the younger gods and is often viewed as too interested in material gain by more philosophic deities. He is favored by his father, Pavor, God of Travel, and enjoys a close alliance with Vitulus, God of Cities.

Despite his commercial interests, Minos encourages his worshippers to be fair in their dealings, though a contract is considered inviolate regardless of how fair it is. Because of this, Minos is often at odds with Amphitritus, who often covets the Merchantlord’s political and economic power, as well as his own mother, Bellona, who encourages theft and trickery as a means to amass one’s fortune.

God of Commerce
Descriptive Info
Gender: Male
Avatar: Minar; Treliste of the Golden Hand
Consort(s): None
Allies: Adrasteia, Goddess of Rivers and Streams (paternal grandmother); Baelthor, God of the Earth (paternal great-grandfather); Furinus, God of Wine; Gyges, God of Thunder; Innus, God of Friendship; Pavor, God of Travel (father); Terpsichore, Goddess of Language; and Vitulus, God of Cities.
Foes: Amphitritus, God of Greed; Bellona, Goddess of Wealth (mother); Britomaris, Goddess of Thievery; Clementia, Goddess of Mercy and Taltos, God of Water.
Spiritual Info
Rank: Intermediate
Nature: Harmonious
Ethos: Agathocacological
Major Influence: Commerce
Minor Influence(s): Contracts, Mercantilism, Teamstering
Spheres: Creation, Travel, Mercantilism, Messenger


Saint Amandus the Venerable, Saint Pomerius the Young


No information available on the doctrine of Minos


No information available on the mission of Minos


No geographic information available on Minos

History of the Church

No historic information available on Minos


No information available on the Organization of the Church of Minos

Religious Practices

No information available on the religous practices of the Church of Minos



Original article: Accounting

Accounting, which takes place on Eanaire 14, is a high holy day for Minos, god of commerce. On this day, merchants and craftsmen observant to Minos are expected to balance their books, pay any remaining debts past due and submit their accounting to the nearest temple to Minos, where it is recognized and recorded (and often sent to the local lord to determine appropriate taxation and fines). Failure to comply with the tradition is, at least, considered disrespectful to Minos and, in some regions, considered an attempt to avoid paying taxes, subjecting the merchant to arrest and imprisonment for failure to pay his debts.

Saint Amandus' Fair

Original article: Saint Amandus' Fair

Saint Amandus' Fair is a week-long autumn market fair holy to Minos as a week to honor Saint Amandus the Venerable. As with most of the Minoan Fairs, the Fair takes place in a designated Market Town where merchants from nearby countries gather to sell and trade. Traditionally, Saint Amandus' Fair is when new Guildmasters are elected to office by trade guilds, retired guildsmen are honored and deceased guildsmen of import are recognized. Saint Amandus' Fair ends on Giblean 28 with a sunset service at the local temple to Minos.

Saint Pomerius' Fair

Original article: Saint Pomerius' Fair

Saint Pomerius' Fair is a week-long market fair holy to Minos as a week to honor Saint Pomerius the Young. As with most of the Minoan Fairs, the Fair takes place in a designated Market Town where merchants from nearby countries gather to sell and trade. Traditionally, Saint Pomerius' Fair is also when new craftsman or merchant Apprentices are judged and, if they pass the tests placed on them by the Masters of their crafts, are chosen for Apprenticeship. It is also a time when many new contracts are initiated between merchants and craftsmen. Saint Pomerius' Fair ends on Beltain 7, with a morning service at the local temple to Minos where new Apprentices are presented to the congregation, followed by the Spring Summit among local guildmasters.

Spring Summit

Original article: Spring Summit

Spring Summit is a holy day of Minos where local guildmasters are expected to gather at the nearest temple to Minos to discuss plans for the following year, set prices (where it is legal to do such) and settle any inter-guild disputes from the previous season. It takes place on the last day of Saint Pomerius' Fair, which is why guildmasters observant to Minos are generally absent from the Market Towns during that festival.

This is a thumbnail description and is scheduled for expansion at a later date.
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