The Wild North

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Geographic Features

Betshaban Ocean

Original article: The Betshaban Ocean

The Betshaban Ocean lies between the continents of Aurea, Duria and Gallorea and includes the Pirates' Sea and the Maroshan Sea near Duria and the Yglarsed Sea on the Gallorean coast. The ocean is dominated by the clockwise Betshaban Stream, which is fed by warm waters in the west from the Aebasan Ocean and warm waters from the Endless Ocean in the east. The Betshaban Stream tends to cool somewhat along the Durian coast, feeding into the Endless Ocean south of Danas. Prevailing winds in the southern Betshaban Ocean tend to move from the east, with the current, making westerly travel particularly easy for most ships and easterly travel extremely difficult. In the northern reaches, winds tend to move from the west, also with the current, making travel from Aurea to Duria particularly easy, though the converse more difficult. The currents and prevailing winds create a large calm area southwest of The Island of Tamarynd known affectionately as "Betshaba's Bosom". Ships who drift into Betshaba's Bosom are rarely heard from again. The northern reaches of the Betshaban Ocean are known for its legendary storms, particularly in autumn and winter. Hurricanes are a constant threat during the storm season, particularly along the Aurean coast and the northern Pirate Isles.

Though all oceans are claimed by Betshaba, the Betshaban Ocean is, obviously, considered particularly blessed (and cursed) by the Wave Queen. Though the Pirate Sea is considered by many to be appropriated by her greatest enemy, Taltos, the Deep Dweller. Most aquatic creatures, monstrous and sentinent, can be found in the Betshaban, though the most legendary creature known to travel Betshaba's ocean is the Leviathan, an impossibly huge whale said to be her personal eyes and ears in the mortal realm.

Challieann Mountains

Original article: Challieann Mountains

The rolling, frozen Challieann Mountains cut through northern Aurea, diving the Gael lands to the north from the formerly Imperial territory to the south. Much of the Challieann Mountains are inhabited by Gael clansmen considered savage and strange even by their kin in the lowlands to the north. There are a few pockets of goblin tribes in the south of the range and a few isolated orcish settlements in the deep valleys of the northern part of the range, remnants of the orcish horde that ravaged the region late in the Third Age of Man. Deep, glacial valleys among the northern peaks are believed to be inhabited by strange, blue giants who somehow survive in the frozen wastes that neither man nor orc even tries to settle in.

The dwarves of the Kingdom of Nuithone have deep mines beneath the Challieann Mountains and have recently opened a route into the western extent of the range, establishing the colony of Schweinholz on the surface world.

Valtaani Sea

Original article: Valtaani Sea

The Valtaani Sea lies in the frozen north between the continents of Duria and Aurea, bisected by the rocky peaks of the Valtaanni Peninsula. The currents in the Valtaani Sea are often unpredictable, particularly in the stormy winter months, where intrepid sailors must be wary both of sudden, violent storms and pack ice moving southward. In warmer months, the Sea is patrolled by Valtaani raiding ships looking for easy prey.

White Ocean

Original article: The White Ocean

The cold waters of the White Ocean lie north of the continents of Aurea and Duria. It is dominated by a sluggish eastern current that dips into the Valtaani Sea before moving northward back across the northern Durian continent. Some parts of the White Ocean freeze over, particularly the portions north of the eastern half of the Durian continent, sometimes freezing all the way to the shoreline. The late spring and early summer tends to be a very dangerous time to travel in the White Ocean as huge icebergs break off the ice pack and flow southward.

There are very few monstrous creatures known to live under the waves of the White Ocean, though much of it is patrolled by Valtang raiders, making mercantile travel dangerous even in warmer seasons.


Donnagh Saoristat

Original article: Donnagh Saoristat

Formerly called the Mabean Marches under Imperial rule, this kingdom is populated by people of Gael stock who rebelled against the Empire early in the Fourth Succession War under the leadership of a native centurion and with the support of the Kingdom of Breche. Though it still retains its nobility, Donnagh became a Soaristat (or Freestate) during the Dark Times under the guidance of its native druids and its rulership, including its High King, are elected to their positions for life (though they can be impeached should their people decide they are unfit to rule). Donnaugh Soaristat is currently embroiled in a bloody war with neighboring Haethgrind that attracts no small number of young, idealistic warriors from across Aurea who see Donnagh as the front line of defense against the Valtang invasion of the continent.


Original article: Gyneiniog

Called the Forest Kingdom, Gyneiniog is peopled by Gaels who still tend to cling to their Clans, though war with the Valtang has greatly reduced the size of the Kingdom and weakened the familial bonds that once dominated the region. Having fought against first Imperial aggression and then the armies of the Valtang, the people of Gyneiniog tend to be violently suspicious of outsiders, particularly priests of the Old Gods. The ancient and mysterious druids have long been the spiritual leaders in the region and the people are more than willing to string up and execute foreign missionaries they find in the region.


Original article: Haethgrind

Once part of Donnagh Saoristat, Haethgrind was invaded and conquered by Valtang raiders during the Dark Times. The Vikingr raiders that conquered the region quickly intermarried with the local population and have adapted to the hilly terrain, expanding the tin and copper mines and opening several new bronzeworks. Rumors persist that Haethish miners have even found significant iron deposits and may have begun production of steel, despite the traditional preference for bronze weaponry and tools by the Valtang. Due to its mineral wealth, Haethgrind has become the major source of weapons and tools among the Valtang kingdoms and no small amount of wealth is pouring into the country.


Original article: Ljoetrlund

The first of the lands in northern Aurea conquered by the Valtang, Ljoetrlund was founded during the waning years of the Third Age of Man. Despite coming from similar stock, the Ljoetrsynir have become necessarily agrarian in the last century, though they still remain fiercely independent. Ironically, Valtang raiders have recently begun attacking Ljoetrsynir towns along the shores of the Valtaani Sea, pitting the descendants of Vikingr raiders against those still plying the frozen waters of the north for plunder.


Original article: Rathurthjoth

Frozen Rathurthjoth was formerly part of the Gael Kingdom of Gyneiniog before it was conquered by Valtaani raiders during the Dark Times. Though the Valtaani conquest was never bloodless, the war between the Valtaani and the native Gaels was particularly bloody on the cold plains of Rathurthjoth. The Rathsynir still have a reputation for being bloodthirsty in battle, not accepting surrender nor defeat. Recently, however, their war against the Gaels of Gyneiniog has ground to a stand-still because of their refusal to incorporate the native, agrarian populace and their neighboring Valtaani states seem less and less willing to supply the Rathsynir with the materiel they need to continue their war.


Original article: Valtaan

A nation of savage raiders and fishermen who were once content to raid shipping in the Valtaani Sea and sometimes making landfall in northern Aurea and Duria, the Valtang began to invade and settle settle northeastern Aurea in the waning years of the Third Age of Man. Those who did not participate in the rapid conquests continue the traditions of their fore-bearers, eking out an existing in the frozen north and continuing to raid, sometimes even against their cousins on conquered shorelines. The Valtang are known to worship strange gods (or, perhaps, strange versions of the Old Gods), but rumors persist of some ancient evil deep beneath the frozen peaks that dominate the peninsula that secretly control and direct the Valtang on the land above.


Original article: Ywys

Long the traditional homeland of the Gaels on Aurea, Ywys was instrumental in stopping Imperial aggression in the north during the waning years of the Third Age of Man. Though certainly still clannish, Ywys is traditionally one of the more unified of the Gael lands, expecting the wisdom of their King (and sometimes High King) to guide them. Ywys is also the center of druidic tradition in Aurea, with their most holy site, the Grand Henge, located near the nation's royal seat.