Luck Points

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Luck points are a measure of a particularly heroic or villainous person's force of will, intuition or just plain good fortune. During character creation, the player rolls a 1D6+1 to determine his maximum Luck Level and starting Luck. The result is the most Luck that PC can ever have (thus the most Luck Points anyone can have at first level without magical assistance is 7). For every four levels of experience thereafter, their Maximum Luck is raised by 1 (though their current Luck is unchanged). Unlike all other abilities, Luck is purchased with XP. XP expenditure is equal to 100 times the Luck level sought.

For example, Camey's player rolls a 4 on 1D6; he adds one, for a total of 5. This is his Luck Maximum and starting Luck. After the first adventure, he gains 600 XP and has spent all of his Luck Points. Camey's player decides to spend 300 XP on Luck and saves the rest for advancement in his character class. That 300 XP purchases 2 Luck points (100 to receive the first Luck Point, 200 more to receive the second Luck Point). After further adventures, Camey's player eventually spends enough XP to get 5 Luck points, his maximum. When he achieves 4th level, his Maximum Luck raises to 6, but he still has 5 Luck points (unless he has 600 XP with which to purchase his 6th Luck Point).

A character may purchase Luck Points in this manner only when he receives XP from the DM. If he chooses to purchase a Luck Point any other time, the cost is doubled and the PC may not spend more XP than he has in his current level. In other words, a PC can never lose a level by spending XP in this manner.

A single Luck point is worth +2 on a single D20 roll or, alternatively, an extra 1D4 to damage. The points must be spent before the roll is made. The additional Luck points are treated as if the player actually rolled the modified number…in other words, if you spend one luck point and roll an 18, the roll is treated as a natural 20…a Critical! If the result of a Luck-enhanced combat roll is over 20, the critical multiplier is raised by one for each point past twenty. In other words, most weapons do x2 damage on a Critical Roll (a natural 20). If the Luck-enhanced roll is 21, the damage would be x3; if the roll is 22, the damage is x4. The maximum multiplier from a Luck-enhanced Critical is x10.

Luck can also be used to ignore the affects of being at 0 hit points for one action. For example, Camey has been reduced to 0 hit points by his nemesis, Baron Algernon. He spends a Luck Point and makes a normal attack against the Baron (unless he wishes to spend further Luck points on this roll, as well). Without the Luck Point, Camey would drop to -1 hit points, immediately fall unconscious, and begin to die. By expending the Luck Point, he remains at 0 hit points and does not fall unconscious. Note that the Luck Point only allows for a single action…even if Camey had multiple attacks, he could only take the one attack by spending the one Luck Point; if he wanted his second or third attack, he would have to spend another Luck point on each.

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